
the Dream

I dream, I dream…

In it, we flow together in the majestic cathedral of Nature. We sing and dance…in joy, in gratitude, in praise of Life and each other, and the divine gift of ourselves and our togetherness.

We make hemp-crete and hemp batteries. We grow good food, real food. We bring organic-based salvation to the world. We help heal through organic food, love, medicine. We play with the children, drum with the adults, sing with the angels.

Maybe we split the time between Colorado and our organic yoga farm in Ecuador. And Ladakh…or Bhutan. We smile at each other, laugh and kiss a lot. We hug children betwen us.

We help people find space (and peace) within their bodies…and minds, hearts, and souls. We join our kindred spirits in caretaking of and caregiving to the world.

We explore the world. We balance our inner and indoor work with outdoor adventures.

We arise, ascend to the new selves and world we help create. We immerse in the healing actions of love and working for a good cause. We not only reduce our carbon footprints, we become a positive factor in the environment, giving back more than we take away.

We live…fully, and with love. We bind each others’ wounds, accept each others’ idiosyncracies, be present for each other and the world. We listen and feel…share and act. We rub almond oil and love into each others’ skin. We feed each other grapes and artichokes.

We bring ourselves fully to each task and moment before us. We chat and laugh as we work together. We feel the grounding and humanizing effect of working with, in, and around nature.

We sing to Gaia, Durga, and each other. We joyfully surf the wave of life. We model love and compassion to our children. We model hard work and service, craftsmanship and motivation.

People come to the farm for respite from the modern world. We welcome them with love and community. They work and play with us, sharing the joyful work of the farm, and of the inner journey. We practice yoga and meditation together, and when they leave, they feel like a new person.

In addition to our working farm and factories, we provide opportunities for responsible, fun, helpful, and meaningful vacations. These are not mindless, hedonistic revels on a beach with a mai-tai, but chances to step out of their ‘normal’ worlds and live for a while another, more elevating type of life.

If we drive vehicles, we plug them into our house at night, to be re-charged from our solar system. Our cancer-fighting (and delicious) mushrooms eat the chicken poop, and some live with the fruit trees, providing a symbiosis to each other and doubling the harvest for us.

We help people ease their pain and anxiety without pharmaceutical drugs, heal their bodies with the abundance of the Earth, drive their cars without harmful chemical batteries.

…or maybe She does all that. She is the brains and heart of this dream, after all. Maybe I help manifest it by supporting Her in the million small ways…in having the chores done, the kids loved and taught, dinner ready or the picnic basket packed. Maybe I just provide an open ear and heart, a strong yet gentle support.

…or all of it. We don’t need to figure it out just yet…it’s a dream. While drraming is fun, turning them into reality is meaningful, helpful…real.

You may say that I’m a dreamer…and I am. I am also doer, of mundane and heroic feats. With the woman of my dreams by my side, there’s not much I (we) can’t do.

Enough dreaming. Time to pedal out into the glorious day, bringing my love…and dreams…with me, in me.



Gratitude … For Tears

‘What is there that justifies tears and lamentations?’
The Buddha

As I gaze in a sort of rapture at the mandala of a pure white thunderhead rising from behind a pure green pine, gratitude wells within me. My ears ringing to the music of children happily playing and summer birds singing, I more than feel my interconnectedness with everything; I am it.

This is as easy and natural as falling off a log, once one perceives the beauty of the moment. Yet there is another side to this…

As the bitter winter wind pushes against me like a hand, its cold fingers reaching through every layer of clothing and flesh to my core, I push harder on the pedals of my bicycle, filled with…gratitude. Only ten more miles to go.

This gratitude does not come as easily. It takes a moment to perceive the beauty of this moment. It may not be obvious. But in the most pleasant moment lies the seed of an apparently unpleasant moment, and vice-versa. Can I have gratitude for one moment of experience, and not another? Is basing my gratitude on sensory gratification or circumstance even gratitude?

In labeling experiences as good and bad, we make our first error. In seeking one type experience and avoiding the other, we step even further from the path. Sages tell us that grasping at the good and avoiding the bad is a recipe for suffering.

If I am grateful, it is for life. Life is composed of many moments and experiences, some seemingly good and others ostensibly bad. Satori comes at unexpected times; enlightenment (even the momentary kind, especially that kind) comes in the spaces between moments, in the interstices, regardless of the type of moment.

Sometimes this unveiling (or peeling away of layers?) occurs at the most unlikely times. Our hearts open, then our minds and spirits follow. The winter wind that pushes against gives me something to strive with non-violently and non-competetively. It helps me hone my strength and determination. It provides a counterpoint to the eventual warmth and stew I will experience. It provides cooling memories as I pedal through the heat of summer. What’s not to be grateful for?

Yet it doesn’t happen for these reasons, or for any reason. It just happens.

Of course, to most of us, a sense of gratitude implies being grateful to someone, even if that someone is an intangible divine entity. Yet even Buddhists and atheists can be grateful. A sense of deep gratitude does not depend on an object for its existence.

I find my gratitude can be towards the existence of Life…for the ability to perceive. It doesn’t need to have a focal point. Maybe it could be towards the ever-changing nature of life, or…..maybe gratitude, like butterflies and sunsets, does not require a reason for existence.

I am grateful for that. I am grateful for all my experiences, the painful and challenging ones as well, for they have been part of my path as well. Each tear contains a lesson, every drop of blood and every scar paints a stroke in the nebulous collection of colors and light I call ‘me.’

In the presence of gratitude, what is there that justifies tears and lamentations? In the impermanent is-ness of things, the always changing ebb and flow of life, all moments are precious, all contain the seed of enlightenment, all are worthy of gratitude. None are worth the salt of my tears…at least not for long.

I am grateful for that as well.


Huns in the Holy Places

Barbarians lodge in the Potala. Ignorant oppressors violate the holy spaces of Lhasa.

What better time for the equanimity of a buddha?

Infidels tore down the Gyasa monuments, just as they destroyed Nalanda long ago.

Can they even touch the holy spaces? Is the dharma a thing to be torn apart by fanatics?

While the red star of tyrrany lies over Tibet, can these uncultured usurpers truly stop the dharmachakra from turning, once it has begun?

More powerful than the entire arsenal of the Peoples’ Army is the compassion of the Dalai Lama, the teachings of the Buddha.

What better time to live these teachings than during the sack of an ancient land? Who better to be calm than those in the midst of impermanence and ostensible chaos and destruction?

For peace is found there too…it is needed there more than in an idyllic meadow. The more fanatics try to destroy it, the more relevant the teachings become.

For the Buddha lives not in statues or sutras, but within us all.

“Look within…there will you find the Buddha.”
-Siddartha Guatama


Will and VolitionN…keys to action

A while back, I lost my will.

Like a cork in the sea, I bobbed aimlessly, a ship without a rudder. I didn’t care; with the loss of will came the loss of desire, of motivation. Or maybe the converse; will and motivation/ desire share a chicken and egg relationship; it is unclear which comes first. Either way, I was becalmed, stranded, a boat without a sail.

Luckily, my volition saved me.  Or more precisely, my understanding of the difference between will and intention saved me.

Will is what makes us want to do things. It is our drive and motivation. When my will to live and act died, my body/mind/spirit began to follow. My once-lauded bloodwork came back bad. My soul shriveled and my physical envelope began to disintegrate.

People with severe depression can relate. They don’t seem to be able to summon the energy or desire to get out of bed. People facing severe loss, pain, or sorrow can relate. Why wake up? It’s just another pain-filled day.

While will may seem to fade or disappear, and even intention may waver, we always have access to volition.

Volition (and thus intention) are independent of will and desire. The knowledge of this saved me. While I may not have wanted to take part in the world, I retained my volition. The ability to control and direct my body remained. I may not want to get up, go outside, and be re-charged by the power of nature, but my body can not refuse a direct command to stand up and walk out there.

So I simply changed the equation. Previously, the ‘logic’ was IF I wanted to do something, THEN I did it. But counting on my desire wasn’t enough. So the equation ignored the factor of desire. Now, IF something needs to be done, I do it. Who cares if I want to or feel like it? I simply send the commands to my body and it responds.

If I had waited to ‘want to’ do something, I would still be waiting, inert and inactive. Willpower (contrary to popular belief) cannot be exercised like a muscle, or whipped forward like a mule. It can’t be convinced or cajoled. We cannot ‘pump ourselves up ‘ to create will. All the cheerleaders and support structures in the world cannot make an unmotivated person send the commands of action from brain to body.

However, as long as I am unparalyzed, I retain control over my body. So I commanded it to do the things I knew would result in increased well-being. I exercised, ate good food, forced myself up to see that motivating sunrise, went dancing and got out in the world, whether I wanted to or not. I sent the commands and my body (the vehicle of consciousness) responded.

Once out in the world, with the actions performed, I reaped the benefits. The endorphins released from these actions blasted through my wall of ennui. Once I had made myself attend to the roots, the fruits followed naturally.

Once I exercised my volition, the things it made my body do resulted in a rebirth (or re-discovery) of my errant will. Once I took control of the one thing I had mastery over (the ability to direct my body), the rest sort of fell into place.

Of course, I had to direct that body to do things I knew to be regenerative. But if I had waited for the desire or motivation, I’d still be waiting. If I had waited for time to heal me, I’d still be huddled by the roadside, waiting helplessly.

As I look back, I guess I had faith as well, one of the things so obviously missing. I knew if I performed the actions, the results would follow. I guess in this sense I had faith…or at least belief that these techniques would work. I had experienced the transformative results myself, and witnessed them in others. So maybe it wasn’t faith or an unfounded belief. Maybe it was simple knowledge of the tools and techniques to increase health and well-being, aknowledge based on fact, not on wishful thinking or unfounded belief.

Maybe faith still remained…the faith in myself that I could send those commands to my body, that I would do the things necessary. Faith that I could endure until the results came. I never liked faith, especially faith in others. As I (and so many suicides) could attest, no God or angels or girlfriend would drop from the sky and save me.

Counting on others to do the one thing only I can do is a fool’s errand. Only I can pull myself up, by the bootstraps. Only I can send the command to arise. Only I can walk my path. If I wait for desire, I may sit by the wayside indefinitely. Previously, desire worked; I had plenty. But once that ran out, all I had left was volition.

One foot in front of the other. Who cares if you are tired or sad or in pain? The path of life lies before us either way. Walk it. Eventually, our steps will take us to a new place. Motivation and desire will ebb and flow as I proceed along the path, but if I remain firm in my intention (made manifest by my volition, the series of signals my nervous system transmits to my muscles) I will continue…living, being present, doing the things that need to be done.

Like a farmer, I cultivate my consciousness. Farmers do not want to wake up early and do the hard work required to grow a crop. But if they do, they will eventually reap the harvest of those actions. They may not even want the crop, but they are glad once they harvest it.

It may seem useless to one caught in the grip of ennui…crops and harvests and results all meaningless, all stupid in the darkness lack of will and motivation can bring. But by simply sending the commands to our organs of action, the work will be done. With increased health and well-being, increased exposure to the magic of the natural world come increased enjoyment, will and desire toward more Good.

Even if they don’t, any situation is improved with better health and well-being.


So while I may not want to at times, I chop wood and carry water. I use my volition to send the commands to my body, commands that result in the actions of life. Forget enlightenment; just chop wood and carry water. Forget will and desire and intangible ephemerals like happiness or motivation.

Just do this one thing, now.

If I focus fully on that, all the rest becomes moot and I am engaged in this one second, doing the work needed, sending those commands, using that volition, demonstrating mastery of myself. That is enough…enough for the ever-present NOW.



“We’re at the point in our evolution that we all have to become conscious. This is a time of revolution. There’s no holding back. So I’m about tearing down the monastery walls and seeing the whole world as the monastery, as the practice, as the spiritual temple. What we’re all working on is this very being, this very life. This is the temple. It has no walls.”

-Genpo Roshi

“We’re at the p…


The Year of the Unicorn


They tell me it is the year of the unicorn. That’s good, because I am a sort of unicorn myself; a mythical, magical beast, imbued with the mystery of the unknown and unknowable. So are you, but you probably just don’t know it yet.

This year is the year we are supposed to fully manifest; to shed our mundane cloaks, drop our quotidian masks, and shine. 

This year we step into our space, claim our birthright as the magical beings we are.

This is the year we find our matching unicorn (if we already haven’t), that special creature so rare in the universe, the One that can run with us in the moonlight, as all unicorns must run…together, in harmony.


Hold it! Unicorns? What am I talking about? Am I crazy? Unicorns? What is a unicorn? According to the urban dictionary, a unicorn is…

That girl that you can’t catch. Everything about her is so perfect (divine, if you will) getting with her is unfathomable. She is truly a blessing from God. Bumping into her on the sidewalk is a good day. Holding a conversation with her… you were probably dreaming. Anything beyond that – good luck. It takes time, effort, and a whole lot of persistency. But never give up; unicorns are said to be “uncatchable,” but nothing is impossible. Impossible is nothing. Under no circumstances, never ever, not ever, at no time, should you ever marry a girl who is not your unicorn… Unless you have some super square wheels, then you should look up the word “Swamp Donkey.” Everyone has a unicorn; it’s just a matter of spotting her and tracking her down. Give it time, it will happen. “For destiny grants us our wishes, but in its own way, in order to give us something beyond our wishes.” 

Dictionary.com says:


  [yoo-ni-kawrn]  Show IPA



a mythical creature resembling a horse, with a single horn in the center of its forehead: oftensymbolic of chastity or purity.

a heraldic representation of this animal, in the form of a horse with a lion’s tail and with a long,straight, and spirally twisted horn.

( initial capital letter ) Astronomy . the constellation Monoceros.

an animal mentioned in the Bible, Deut. 33:17: now believed by some to be a description of a wild oxor rhinoceros.

a former gold coin of Scotland, first issued by James III in 1486, having an obverse bearing the figureof a unicorn.

I’m sure definitions abound, from odd sexual techniques to weird sexual partners, from everything occult to Divine, and in between. Your definition is yours.


One thing we do know about unicorns…they are rare. They are not traditional, nor ordinary. They do not really ‘fit in’ this linear, logical world, the world of the daily news and office cubicles.  

They may not even exist.

In fact, most of the ‘normal’ people we know will insist they do not exist. 


Unicorns are unpredictable. They cannot be put into harness, made to work and do our bidding. They cannot be tamed, or trained. They are not pets, nor beasts of burden. They are magic. 

For a mythical beast, there sure were a lot of historical accounts of unicorns, from all parts of the globe. They even show up in the Judeo-Christian Bible, and in other sacred literature. Perhaps our ancestors all shared the same ‘illusion.’ Yet no fossils of unicorns have been found to date. Belief in unicorns is like belief in God; no good evidence for the idea, and yet none firmly against it. It is all a matter of belief, of personal experience, of possibilities.

Some scientists speculate that the distance between alternate versions of the universe is less than one cell thick. Others say those universes are in quadrature to ours, or slightly out of phase. Maybe unicorns can pass through those barriers?


Now this might seem like some kooky talk from a yogi and a Nowist. Yet bear in mind this post is not about unicorns or their probability of existence. It is about the Year of the Unicorn.

Just like the unicorn itself, the Year of the Unicorn depends on our beliefs in some unlikely stuff; mankind getting together in peace and harmony, a sudden change from defiling our planet to becoming good stewards of it, governments and rich people changing to work for the good of all, not just for agendas based on greed. It is based on the unlikely belief of us each rising above ourselves, to manifest better people (and thus a better planet). Yeah, it definitely depends on belief in some unlikely stuff…

I am down.

Call me a fool, or a dreamer. I somehow believe we all could, I could rise above, create this better world we all seem to desire, yet few seem to take actions towards manifesting. I think it is possible, and we can make it a reality. Just as Yeshua reminded us that the kingdom of God is at hand, so is the Year of the Unicorn at hand, within our collective grasps. 

Will we manifest it?

That remains to be seen. Will unicorns cavort in the morning mist? That likelihood is perhaps more possible than getting together in world peace or self-transformation. Yet I somehow still am optimistic. Perhaps that is why I am a bit of a unicorn.

If my companion unicorn does appear, will I even recognize Her? I am incredibly bad at that stuff. Will we run together in the mist, or shall we destroy unicorns in the only way we can destroy them…will we pick each other apart with logic, try to use reason to decide if the other is truly the One? Will we compare each other to others we wish were unicorns? Will we put each other through tests and trials, evaluate each other for compatibility? That will surely be the death of us. No unicorn can survive in the face of such greed and ego-based empiricism. 


Same for the Year of the Unicorn…will we kill it with our hopes and dreams, expectations and preferences? Will we sit in our comfortable (or uncomfortable), ordinary zones as the ethereal moonlight and morning mist fade like the vanished world of Faerie?

Only we can decide.

So I say, bring on the Year of the Unicorn. Perhaps I can rise above myself, believe in a better Self and world, and actually do the work to make it happen? Can I allow it to happen, open my heart and mind enough to let it happen?

Only the year will tell. 

I am excited…and hopeful.

Happy Year of the Unicorn to all.


AUM, Shanti





Pi is Her Favorite Number

Her favorite number is Pi, although She would choose the Fibonacci sequence if that qualified as a number. When I first asked Her favorite number, She replied ‘single, double, or triple digit?…or algebraic quantity?’

She reminds me not to project romantic images of the future into our lives…but laughs when I can’t resist doing it prematurely, and embellishing those images by drawing hearts over our heads in my imaginings.

She knows that the ‘yogic’ insistence on opening body and heart is not a universal panacea, that some people need instead to consolidate the space they already have. She is enlightened, but doesn’t know who Ramana Maharshi is.

She is one of the most elegant women ever – yet does not display that haughty aloofness that plagues and disfigures most outwardly beautiful women. I don’t think She has ever looked down Her nose at anyone or anything.

She has known pain – physical, mental, and spiritual – yet maintains an unaffected, unsullied grace that is ever so charming.

She is far too young for me…yet much older than I somehow, or at least my equal in maturity. She doesn’t have a Facebook account. I love that.

I’m pretty sure I love her, although usually it takes quite a bit longer before I declare my ostensible lust to be actual love. I’m pretty sure She is the One, although I’m not sure how I know.

Her dreams are the finestkind.

She knows about balance. Intimately. She can rest in Tree pose, even with Her lovely feet missing the big toes (high altitude climbing frostbite). She has had challenge and suffering in Her life, yet retains Her grace and poise, Her equillibrium.

She smiles when She sleeps.

Her skin smells like strawberries and rosemary and mint…of the fresh breeze, and of the smell after rain has fallen. From within Her rises the scent of Life.

She has the name of an empress…the eyes of a Goddess…the face of an angel. Her body is the ideal that fashion models starve themselves to attain. Yet Her outward perfection is merely a cover to the staggering beauty inside.

I love Her.

She is so smart, but has no need to front it or prove it. She has Her own ideas, but is not in opposition with anyone over them. She knows the world holds more than any of us can imagine.

I thinks She digs me, too. I can’t imagine why someone so fine would dig me, why someone this fine would. She outclasses me by orders of magnitude. She is also wise, and if She thinks there is something in me worth loving, I believe Her.

She likes to play guitar, and ride snow. Our first date was a hike. For the picnic, She wanted not wine and cheese and chocolate (like the others), but fruit and nuts. She likes the taste of my pickled turmeric root, and knows the value of turmeric and tea tree oil. She would love to share an artichoke with me.

I feel comfortable around Her, safe and peaceful. Gone is the burning desire for action and engagement, when I am with Her. I am not in a hurry to make love, or get on to the next thing, or do or go anywhere else…I am already where I want to be. I could just sit there all day, rubbing Her foot and listening to Her. I could just look at Her all day, how her favorite numerical sequence plays out in the delicate arc of Her lips or Her neck. I could explore the world with Her, forever. With Her at my side, there is nothing we could not accomplish.

She has eyes that defy color classification. I cannot decide if they are blue or grey, silver or green. I could look into Her eyes for the rest of my life. I guess they are mostly cerulean.

I am almost for sure I love Her.

Her eyes light up when She speaks to Her son. I like that. She teaches her children good lessons and makes it fun. I like that, too.

She is a fire sign, Aries, with half Her planets in Aries and almost the other half in earth, Taurus. The synastry of our Venus and Chiron is almost perfect. My first love and my ex-wife were Aries, and my Twins seem to sync well with the Ram. Still, She knows astrology may only provide indications of influences or tendencies. She knows the Scorpios in our lives (or any sign, including our own) can manifest as psychos or as deep, feeling people…it is up to us. No mere sign can truly quantify the uniqueness or potential of a person.

She is real, oh so real.

She also seems to be imbued with a sense of magic and mysrey.

I wonder if She is the angel of light I prayed for, here in human form.

She is.

I don’t mean the angel, although She might be. What I mean is…She just is. That is enough for me.

I am okay now…okay alone. In the moment after I truly discovered I am okay whatever happens or whomever I am with or not with, She appears in my life.

I suspected She was the One when She first walked up to me, even though it was the time and place I least suspected to meet Her. I was almost certain when I saw Her standing there a moment later, as if She had belonged there all along, and that place (and the rest of us there) were just waiting for Her to arrive and complete the scene.

I grow more certain of it the more I am with Her, the more I learn about Her.

That makes me somehow suspicious of my perceptions, my emotions, all these feelings. I have twice thought a woman was the One. Both times I was dissapointed, finding either shallowness where I expected depth, or sand where I expected rock. Both came damn close…but close only counts with hand grenades. I’m not sure if my mind could take another dissapointment or my heart another break.

Is there a point to this story? She is different. My response is different. I am different (or feel different) when I am with Her. I am simultaneously sure She is the One, yet somehow still doubtful of that at this early stage in our discovery of each other, in our sharing with each other.

One thing I do know is I’ve never felt like this.

Am I just open at this point in my life to Her impact, or is it Her?

I feel Her in my every cell. My blood burns hot when I think of Her or talk to Her, my toes tingle and I become instantly engorged, like some easily aroused adolescent. Whether She is the One or not, Her impact is undeniable, phenomenal.

Her light invokes an irresistable heliotropism in me, drawn toward Her like a plant turns to face the sun as it moves across the sky. She might qualify as a sun to me, as Her gravitic attraction seems inescapable, Her light life-giving and warming. My heart and soul and body warm, thaw, blossom in Her presence.

I guess I sort of like Her.


life, meditation, yoga

Yoga – The Next Level

Whether in active yoga practice or ordinary’ life, we all eventually reach a point where we plateau, reach a sort of homeostasis or acceptance of our state of development…and possibly stagnate there. Satisfied with our development to this point, we may ‘rest on our laurels’ and stop the ongoing growth that is the essence of life. If this goes on long enough, the trend can change from growth and anabolism to decay and catabolism – physical, mental, and spiritual.

Like strings of a guitar or harp, we need to be tuned regularly, kept in a state of alignment and balance conducive to growth. Like plants, we need the right environment for continued growth. Like humans, we need to be actively interested and participating in life, consciously moving forward on all fronts, or we tend to slowly disengage and begin an inevitable decline, in both will, dreams, and ability.

This is in keeping with the laws of physics and science; bodies at rest tend to stay at rest, and bodies in motion tend to stay in motion. Homeostasis is naturally sought on physical, mental, and spiritual levels. Yet without practice (and the resultant growth), we tend towards entropy, towards dissolution, decay, and chaos. This is the second law of thermodynamics, and a law of yoga and life. Through our practice, through constant mindfulness and growth, we prevent this trend, harness the physical (and other layer) laws that tend to support our growth and practice.

In yoga, this tendency for unconscious self-limitation can be seen on the physical level as placidity in practice, of an acceptance of current, perceived limitations and/or of state of development. I can do a good crow pose, so I make a check in the box in my mind marked ‘crow.’ I then begin to automatically perform the posture, failing to continue to strive for a fuller and more engaged manifestation of the pose. Refinements to the pose (such as one-legged crow, etc.) fall from my mind, as in it I think I already can ‘do’ crow, and there is nothing left to do.

On the mental level, this is also manifest in a similar type of entropy; I meditate regularly, and find content and peace therein. I then fall into the trap of not being present in my meditation, but only in the way I typically ‘perform’ meditation. I am ‘done,’ a successful meditator who can no longer learn anything from the practice. At best, I think I can maintain my state. The idea that there may be new, undiscovered levels of practice eludes me.

The same occurs on the spiritual level. I might believe that I see God in all things and that I maintain an active and harmonious relationship with the Divine, staying tuned in to and constantly practicing Ishvara Pranidhana, gratitude, presence, and non-duality. Once I have manifested all the virtues, my ego tells me that the list is complete, the check marks are all filled in, and there is nothing left to do. In my social life, I may think that I embody compassion and service, and thus limit myself from new potential levels of compassion and service.

An empty cup does not mean only an open mind and heart; it means a continuously new ‘beginner’s mind,’ open to new experience and new levels of growth, understanding, presence, and manifestation.That is the great secret of both yoga practice and life; the journey is never over. We never arrive, never ‘get there.’ There are always new levels of growth, development, and integration possible – if we remain open to them.

The gross is an indication of the subtle. My physical state is a metaphor for the state of my overall being. The lessons I learn on the physical level apply in the mental, spiritual, and social levels. As I limit myself in the physical expression of yoga (‘I could never do lotus pose, or peacock), I express a limitation in my mental self (the perception that those levels of strength, endurance, flexibility, and presence are unavailable to me or inaccessible (or undesirable) to me, due to age, physical limitations, or whatever reason my mind comes up with).

One thing is sure – if I believe these states of being (for yoga postures are more than mere physical attitudes or poses, they represent states of being) are impossible, I will indeed never be able to achieve them. In the wise words of the fictional sage:

“Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they are yours.”

        -Don Shimoda

So while the gross (my present physical state) may manifest the subtle (my inner state), the subtle also precedes the gross. An idea or possibility must first be born in my mind before it can become manifested in outward ‘reality.’ Yet the mere knowledge that the possibility exists (say of performing peacock posture) is worthless without the practice: the actions necessary to actually manifest this state, to slowly move towards (and perhaps eventually achieve) the state. Without desire and will, no practice is possible. First the possibility must exist, and then the motivation to make that possibility into a reality (or at least proceed towards the goal in a dedicated fashion).

This is where yogic wisdom helps us…in the concept of acting without regard to the fruits of our actions, without attachment to them. We perform the practice faced in the direction of a theoretical goal, yet have no expectations of an end result or specific achievement. The fruits of practice are found along the way, not at some mythical endpoint or destination. You never arrive at the destination. The journey is the destination, and if you are focused on a goal in the future, you will miss the actual journey.

Yet some general goal must be held in mind, some inner compass or direction for our simultaneous and integrated physical, mental, and spiritual development. We all find, or attempt to find this in various ways.

Instead of looking for areas in our lives where we can find new growth, development, or change, perhaps we can look for areas that we think we are ‘done with,’ and look closely to see if we are missing opportunities for new growth and expansion in these areas. Who can truly ever manifest enough kindness, love, and compassion? When do we reach a limit on the amount of service we can give to ourselves and others? Is there and endpoint goal of gratitude or presence, where we are at a state where no more is possible? Can you ever be too strong or flexible, physically or mentally?

Just the idea of such untapped growth potential is exciting and reassuring. The mere idea of so much unexplored and undeveloped space within our physical, mental, and spiritual selves is cause for celebration. For the final frontier is within us, a vast, uncharted region ripe for exploration.  

So the next level of yoga is always before us…and behind us. It is all around us. We proceed not only in one direction along a single plane of reality, but shine and expand outwards, in all possible directions and planes. Growth is possible in all areas of our lives; improvement is possible is all facets of being. Yet this expansion and growth is accomplished more with mindful acceptance than it is with striving. Motivation, effort, and practice are surely needed, general goals are essential. Yet without allowing, performing the actions more out of love than of obligation or seeking, do we find the possibility of continued manifestation and growth.

This growth is not linear and sequential, but flies upward on a curve, like a snowball gaining momentum as it rolls downhill, or a feather as it is borne upward on the wind. As we practice, we are truly borne on these divine winds. As we practice, we develop our wings, that we may be borne more surely on them.

We may fly, but must also flap our wings sometimes to do so. Sometimes we may soar and glide, almost effortlessly. We move between the state, in and out of balance, flying, moving, soaring forward…into the present, into the future, borne on the divine winds of change and the wings of our practice.

AUM, Shanti


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